Term 1 - Week 8

 We went on a minibeast hunt with Room 4

 We sat in the shade of a tree and recorded
what we found, where we found it 
and how many there were.

Term 1 - Week 7

 We take time for a silly photo together
 We did sgraffito art inspired by our minibeast topic

Term 1 - Week 6

 A tennis instructor came in to teach us some skills.
 Our minibeast chart has a growing number of examples to look at.

 We also had a hockey instructor teaching us some skills.
 We made magnetic photoframes to raise money for the Gala.
They are $3.00 each so come in and buy one!

Term 1 Week 5

Frogs on our blog!
Our tadpoles are now beautiful green and 
golden bell frogs.
Their tails are shrinking and being absorbed 
into their bodies.
They use the tails as energy and won't eat until their 
stomachs have changed so that they can digest flies.

Term 1 Week 4

 Some cute puppies came in for a visit.
 Our new tadpoles arrive and start to change into frogs.
These will grow into Green and Golden Bell frogs.
 In geometry we sort different objects into groups.
The students had to justify what features the objects had that meant they belonged together.
 A basketball coach came in to teach us some skills.

 We used a range of 2D shapes to create pictures.