Term 2 - Week 4

We started making our marble runs.
This involves working together and testing our designs as we go.
The idea is to keep the marble moving but also to try and slow it down so it 
takes as long as possible to reach the end of the marble run.
Gravity is trying to pull the marble towards the centre of the Earth. 
The cardboard platforms are creating an upwards push against gravity.
The marble is gathering momentum which shows itself as 
movement/speed without any extra help (such as a push).
There is friction pulling on the marble and slowing it down as the 
surface of the marble moves along the surface of the cardboard.

 Mrs Pearson shares a Big Book with us at Guided Reading time.

Term 2 Week 3

 Chicchan brings in her homework: 
an egg that has been sitting in vinegar for a few days.
-Photo by Maisie
 Buddy reading is a great way to improve
our reading skills together.
 The Dolphins reading group read a book about 
growing sprouts and started to grow their own.
- photo by Ashley

 For maths (measurement) we made paper 
planes and flew them outside.
We estimated how many metres we thought they had 
flown, then we checked our estimate by measuring 
the distance with  rulers.  
Some had flown more than 8 metres!

Term 2 Week 2...Wow! Over 1,000 pageviews!

 We added the colour to our fish!
We used warm colours for the body and mouth
and cool colours for the fins.

 We are learning about measurement in maths.
We took our rulers outside and measured the length and width of the pool, the length of the tennis courts, and the different measurements of playground equipment.

 For topic we are learning about invisible forces.
We carried out an experiment to test whether the size of a ball, 
and the angle of a ramp, 
affected how far it rolled once it left the ramp.

We recorded our results and shared what we found.

Term 2 Week 1

 We read The Rainbow Fish and used the different types of fish we could see to produce sketches. 
Then we carefully went over them with black marker.  
Next week we will be adding the colour!

 In E-Learning we used some cool websites to investigate 
momentum, gravity and magnetism.

Term 1 Week 11

 We shared some of our minibeast poetry with each other
 Sam bought in some delicious feijoas for us to enjoy

 Some students started using our new ipad to practise their spelling
 We made minibeast masks 
We used old newspapers to create some art.
We cut out buildings to create images of a town at night.