Term 2 - Week 2

We caught 'Marble Madness' as the whole class 
tested their skills playing marbles.  
Here is an interesting site about them:


  1. Hi room 11

    I like what you doing with the marbles

    from Kiara

    1. Hi Kiara, it was fun and I got about 5 marbles out. It was tricky hitting the marbles out. My shooter marble was dark blue.
      From Emily

  2. What is that game that you’re playing called? by Jaden and Brayden

    1. Hi Jaden and Brayden, this game is called ringer. You start with 9 marbles in the middle (either in a cross shape or randomly dropped into the circle). You have to try and knock the marbles out of the ring while keeping your own 'shooter' marble (a marble that is bigger than the others) inside the ring. You keep the marbles that you knock out. If you knock a marble out and keep your shooter in the ring you get to have another go. You can keep having a turn until you miss or your shooter goes out, then it is the next persons go. If you marble goes out then you have to start from a line on the ground outside the ring when it is your turn again. If you miss but your shooter stays in the circle then you just leave it there and that is where you shoot from when it is your turn again. The person with the most marbles at the end wins. It's heaps of fun and marbles are very cheap to buy.
